Wednesday, June 4, 2008

Whitey Saga Gate III...or debunking the debunkers debunked!

June 2nd, 2008 9:23 PM - An hour and a bit later and still furiously upset that nobody either believes him or is terribly impressed with his 0900 BREAKING NEWS, Flowbee tells it like it is and rips apart the Obamatron Blogosphere with his bare hands! Or more specifically Martin Longman at Booman Tribune...who appears to be a bit tearful that he's no longer friends with an insane person who probably knows how to kill him from 50 yards with a piece of chewing gum and a paper clip.

The odd debunking "why'd he" transcript is debunked by what can only be described as incredibly powers of debunkery.
"Martin, buddy. It ain’t a smear when it is true."
Oh. Well in that case...CASE. CLOSED!
"I have made it clear all along that I do not have the tape but have spoken with good friends who know folks who have seen the tape."
Get with the program motherfucker! A friend of a friend's, lawyer's, Republican operative buddy has SEEN it and they've said it's so fucking amazing their faces melted like Nazis in Raiders. Therefore CASE. MOTHERFUCKING. CLOSED!
"Martin, I have never, ever claimed to have the tape or stated that I was going to post same. I also have made it clear that the folks surrounding McCain want to keep this quiet until after August."
I never SAID i had the tape...i just implied i did by making a big deal out of some BREAKING NEWS at 0900 MONDAY!
It's not my fault that even my followers of fucktardery logically took the step that making some big tadoo announcement would lead people to speculate i had the video. Or maybe that I had finally seen it or at the least that I would have something WORTHY of my big breaking news pronouncement. Stick THAT in your pipe and smoke it.
"I also find it fascinating that Martin is part of the Obama blog force. Me, I’m not on the Hillary mailing list. Don’t need it. Capable of thinking for myself. Martin, you got played by your boys. Transcript indeed!"
Oooh SNAP!! Would you like some cheese with your whine MARTIN?! CASE. CLOSED!

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