Wednesday, June 4, 2008

Whitey Saga Gate V...or Larry the liar...MOI?!

June 3rd 2008 - Still unable to comprehend exactly WHY a bunch of LEEEBRAL, Obama, Kool aid chugging bloggers and reasonable Hillary Clinton supporters are skeptical about the bunch of rumours he's tied together with tenuous hearsay, wild speculation and third hand "facts", Larry The Lips tells anyone who doesn't believe him that they're all really really fucking stupid...again.
"I never cease to be astonished by the base ignorance of the Obama crowd. They have spread the word claiming that I said I have the tape and was going to produce it. What? Nope. Nevr wrote that. They have a reading comprehension problem."
Take THAT you illiterate cocksuckers!
But it's pretty fair Flowb me ol pal, don't you think, to be skeptical? Considering the nature or your sources i mean? You of all people should know that, surely? How are you reconciling how lame your evidence is?
"While it is true I am relying on second hand sources, my immediate sources are trusthworty. They are not related to each other. They hold different political views. But all tell the same story–there is a tape of Michelle Obama appearing at a conference with Louis Farrakhan had she says some very disparaging things about white people."

The tape, I am told, appears to have been made in June 2004. It was not part of a pulpit service at Trinity. It was a conference. I am waiting for confirmation of the specific conference.
Oh...i see. So you're kinda betting your reputation (or whats left of it), your credibility (and whatever is left of that too) on a bunch of chinese whispers from "buddies". You know...cause you were pretty sure it was "whitey"before...and now it's just a bunch of "very disparaging things about white people." And now she was on a panel at a conference not Trinity from Reverend Wrights terrible pulpit? I'm not saying...i'm just saying. But go on...please continue.
"My sources tell me the Republicans who have the tape are hanging on to it and do not (I REPEAT FOR YOU OBAMA CLOWNS) DO NOT want it released now. They want to use it against Barky in the fall. They fear that releasing it now will kill Obama’s political support and open the door for Hillary."
But wouldn't they prefer to run against Hillz? I know Karl Rove is out there saying shes an unstoppable all conquering death machine that will win every single vote in the WORLD if she is the nominee...but who trusts that tubby fuck!? Oh...wait...YOU and your fucktard followers do.


You know...recent history would suggest Karl Rove is indeed a savvy political mind...but also one of the dirtiest Republican sleaze bags in Washington. A hatchet man who would say and do anything to fuck with the process, either by setting cats amongst the pigeons of the Democratic party, double speaking his arse to Timbuctoo or literally stealing elections for his bosses.

So do you really REALLY buy that he's on telly, ON FOX, everyday talking up a CLINTON? You honestly believe all of a sudden he and his right wing mouth pieces who, i might add not even 6 months ago, were calling her a murderer, a corrupt bitch and smearing her and the Clinton name nightly, have had some sort of epiphany and a change of heart? All of a sudden they're so enamoured with Hillz that you think they're keen to tell the TRUTH about her? Thats pretty far fetched mate.

You don't think it's got anything to do with the fact it would be easier for them to run their same old dirty tricks campaign? Easier to rally their nutbag anti Clinton base against someone they've been waiting and planning to run against since the husband they hated even more left office 9 years ago?!

"And now we have Beckel and Fund claiming a tape exists and is coming out tomorrow. Would be nice but I don’t know. What I do know for a fact is that the folks who control the tape want to keep it on ice until after the Democratic convention in Denver."
Okay. Well...I guess you really ARE supposed to be the smart one here.

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