Wednesday, June 4, 2008

Whitey Saga Gate IV...Fox news intermisson + Hilaree validation!!!

June 3rd 2008 -
SusanUnPC hammers another nail in the imaginary coffin of Barack "mysoginist" Obama. She deftly weaves a tale of Fox News pundits telling spooky stories of imaginary tapes in the form of "BOMBSHELLS!!" being dropped TOMMOROW!! (HOLY SHIT THAT WOULD BE the 4th of JUNE GUYS!!)
"John Fund of the Wall Street Journal was on Laura Ingraham’s show this morning, talking about the bombshell, according to our own No Quarter author Bud White. Bob Beckel, Democratic analyst for Fox News, reported on TV already that a “bombshell” is coming out tomorrow"
Because as we Fox news goes...SO GOES THE NATION! Or at least the NQ Fortress of Fucktardery.
"John Fund: Wall Street Journal - “Indeed, rumors are swirling on the campaign trail that a new video will soon surface featuring Mrs. Obama appearing on a panel with radical speakers during which she makes more controversial statements."

But Wait there is MORE!
"Bob Beckel on Fox and Friends - he has been told by numerous people,(enough and in a way that convinced him) that a bombshell will be dropping tomorrow about Michele Obama. The Friends turned white and asked what it might be…was it worse than a college thesis? Bob said "Oh yes, in a BIG way". He said that the Repubs were behind it and it was dumb because it meant that Mrs. Clinton would be the nominee.
At which point Susan cannot contain her excitement at validation from Fox and their Friends -
"READ THAT ONE AGAIN: “it meant that Mrs. Clinton would be the nominee …”
AIIEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!! The fucktards follow suit and rend their garments in self satisfaction. Maybe Mcain can win this thing YET!
SusanUnPc - "THIS, to me, is especially stunning because Bob Beckel, in all of his analyst appearances on Fox News, has clearly been “in the tank” for Barack Obama. If HE concedes that this finishes Barack Obama, that is very telling."

Where's the beef?!

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